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Mon Mar 17 2025, 12:17 AM

Current Affairs ( 11 March 2025, NewAgeIslam.Com)

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Is Sheikh Hasina All Set To Return To Bangladesh Well Before Eid?

By New Age Islam Staff Writer

11 March 2025

India Seems To Have Made All Preparations To Reinstate Shaikh Hasina In Bangladesh

Main Points:

1.    A coup to topple Waqaruzzaman was foiled on 7th March.

2.    Four Indian external affairs ministry officers visited Dhaka to finalise Hasina's return.

3.    4.Pro-Pakistan Bangladesh army officer Faizur Rahman was arrested.

4.    Hizb-ut-Tahrir's Khilafat March on 7th March was aimed at toppling Waqaruzzaman.

5.    Shaikh Hasina to land at Tezpur airport.



Sheikh Hasina (Files)


The political situation in Bangladesh has become very volatile and explosive since February 5 demolition of Shaikh Mujib's residence-cum-museum by the rioters on the day Shaikh Hasina was to deliver her speech on Facebook. Awami League had planned to organise a ten day protest and strike programme till 18th February. This had caused panic among Hasina's opponents who do not want her return to Bangladesh at any cost. They attacked Awami League leaders and other remnants of Shaikh Mujib era. Under Yunus government, the Pakistan lobby was trying to make Bangladesh a colony of Pakistan and in order to fulfill its objectives, the Pakistan intelligence agency ISI opened its offices in military cantonments of Bangladesh and let loose jihadi and militant groups to create an atmosphere of chaos and anarchy. Under the garb of training Bangladesh army officers, the Pak army planted its agents in Bangladesh army, DGFI and other government agencies. Faizur Rahman, a junior pro-Pakistan army officer tried to topple army chief Waqaruzzaman and become Bangladesh's army chief. It was he who organised Pak army officers' meet with Bangladesh army on January 21 and was scheduled to visit Pakistan to garner Pak support for his plan to topple Waqaruzzaman.The plan was to kill or arrest Waqaruzzaman on his return from the Central African Republic where 9000 Bangladeshi soldiers are fighting as part of the Peacekeeping force in the strife torn country.

Waqaruzzaman left Dhaka on the 3rd of March and was scheduled to return to Bangladesh on the 7th.

Incidentally, on the same day, the banned radical Islamic organisation Hizb-ut-Tahrir organised a 'March for Caliphate' from the Baitul Mokarram mosque in Dhaka after Friday prayers. Thousands of Hizb members hit the streets and shouted the slogan 'Khilafat is coming' and clashed with the police. But a journalist of Juned TV Bangla said that the plan of the Hizb was to storm the President's house and force him to dismiss Waqaruzzaman as the army chief and then attack the deposed army chief at Shah Jalal airport on his return.

Interestingly, four diplomats of India's external affairs ministry, according to a Bangladeshi legal expert Nijhum Majumdar, had visited Bangladesh from the 4th March to 7th March. According to another Bangali journalist of Kolkata, Tarun Ghosh, officers of RAW and IB also comprised the team. According to Juned TV Bangla, the Indian intelligence agency passed the information about a possible military coup to topple Waqaruzzaman who retuned to Bangladesh six hours before his schedule but was not allowed to land at Shah Jalal airport. He then landed at Tejgaon army airport. The coup to topple him was thus foiled and the man behind the conspiracy, Faizur Rahman was arrested and other army officers were also arrested along with him. The news of the failed coup was first broken by Col. (retd) R. K. Srivastava on a Bangla TV channel of Kolkata.

However, Tarun Ghosh said Faizur Rahman was not arrested but was given a warning by Waqaruzzaman to mend ways.

Earlier, Bangladeshi legal expert Nijhum Majumdar had disclosed that four secretary level officers of India's Ministry of External Affairs had visited Bangladesh for four days but had not divulged the purpose behind their visit. Tarun Ghosh, a Bengali journalist claimed on his YouTube channel that four external affairs ministry officers including RAW and IB officers visited Bangladesh to find a safe house for Shaikh Hasina who is currently putting up at Delhi's Lutyens under strict security. Tarun Ghosh drew the conclusion that India's plan to reinstate Shaikh Hasina might be in the final phase and most probably she might return to Dhaka well before Eid because, according to Tarun Ghosh, Hasina said she will celebrate Eid in Bangladesh.

Juned TV Bangla journalist also corroborated what Tarun Ghosh claimed. The journalist said that both Waqaruzzaman and Indian government were working together to finalise the plan and Shaikh Hasina will be brought to Bangladesh under India's security cover and will land at Tejgaon military base.

According to media reports, Waqaruzzaman has been cooperating with India because of the threats to him from the Pakistani lobby and the jihadi organisations. According to Col (retd.) R. K. Srivastava, the Bangla army has been divided in four lobbies.

From different reports from Bangladesh and abroad, now it has become more clear that that the anti-discrimination movement and its subsequent violent culmination on the toppling of Shaikh Hasina government was a meticulously hatched conspiracy by the US, who has the expertise in organising coups in other countries, and Pakistan that specialises in promoting and funding militant and terrorist organisations as strategic depth. Since ISIS and Al Qaida's background and objectives have been exposed, it has now brought Hizb-ut-Tahrir to the front with the dream of establishing caliphate in Bangladesh.

India's overtures on Bangladesh have been intensified after Trump's hint to India towards a political intervention. Reinstatement of Shaikh Hasina will be in India's interests as both Pak and China have promoted militancy and anarchy in Bangladesh in order to destabilize India. Shaikh Hasina is still the legal claimant to the seat of power while Md Yunus and his tram.of so-called advisors have no constitutional mandate.

That Shaikh Hasina has been saying all along that she will return and his February 6 speech, she not only said she would return but also said in no uncertain terms that she will not forgive any one who demolished her ancestral house, destroyed Bangladesh and slaughtered her party leaders. This reflects her long standing plan to return to Bangladesh. Now that after Trump's hint to India, the Indian ministry of foreign affairs and agencies have made some important moves in this regard, it has become evident that both India and Waqaruzzaman's lobby have made coordinated efforts to foil Pakistan's plans in Bangladesh. That's why the Pak and jihadi lobby in Bangladesh are desperate to remove Waqar and strengthen its hold on Bangla army and Yunus government. The Pak army

has already planted Hizb-ut-Tahrir and Hefazat leaders in the Yunus government. Nasimul Ghani, the founder of Hizb-ut-Tahrir in Bangladesh and Mahfooz Alam a member of the banned organisation are in the Yunus government. That is the reason Hizb managed to organise a rally in Dhaka and planned to storm the President's house.


If Shaikh Hasina comes to power with India's help, it will be good not only for Bangladesh but also for India and the region. However, whether Shaikh Hasina's dream of celebrating Eid in Bangladesh comes true needs to be watched as reports suggest very interesting and unpredictable developments.




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